Great things I saw this week...
Michael and Becky working with our mentees and 5th graders.
so many kids and families at Open House.
your work ethic.
the Jazz band at Open House. Thanks, Jonathon!
Mary's vinyl work above the office windows.
your classrooms are amazing!
the incredible work of our custodial staff to make our school look brand new!
the crane moving the solar equipment.
You may have noticed this week that I sent a link for you all to be able to see my Google calendar. This may save you time from walking down to the office to see my "door" calendar. It's your choice whether you accept the invitation, but I wanted to let you know about it. We all need to make sure that we review the Intermediate Special Events Calendar at our weekly grade level and specials meetings, too.
Monday, September 2nd
Labor Day- No School
Tuesday, September 3rd
1st day of school!
Wear Merton Blue!
Wednesday, September 4th
1st specials meeting 2:30PM
Thursday, September 5th
1st grade level meetings
Tuesday, September 10th
Annual meeting 7PM
Wednesday, September 11th
WIN assembly 8:45-9:15
Seussical auditions
Thursday, September 12th
PTO meeting 2:30
Seussical auditions
Friday, September 13th
Seussical auditions
Please make sure that you have turned in your completed CPI test to Barb!
Saturday, September 14th
EdCampMiddleLevel 8AM-2PM (I sure hope you can join me!)
Tuesday, September 17th
Board PD calendar meeting at 7:45AM (Please see me if you have any questions about this)
Wednesday, September 18th
Culver's Night 4-8PM
Friday, September 20th
7/8 boys choir trip 7AM-2PM
7/8 dance 7-9PM
Reminders and "new news"
*We will continue our Thursday grade level meetings. Due to A-team meetings being on Thursdays, we will meet on Wednesdays for our specials meetings.
*If you need a green card for your classroom, please let me know.
*I sent an email to those of you who are on cycle for Educator Effectiveness.
*WIN Wednesday assemblies will be the second Wednesday of the month. These are subject to change based upon discussions with the BLT and other circumstances. Our first one is September 11th.
*Don't forget about PTO grants and Culvers' Nights
Tweets, quotes, and blogs
Big Impact from the Smallest Interactions (from George Couros)
Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. |
Earl Nightingale, radio speaker, writer |
We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. |
E.M. Forster, writer |
What Teachers Should Be Thinking About on Friday (from Jon Harper)
(from Dwight Carter)
Always keep your eyes open. Keep watching. Because whatever you see can inspire you. |
Grace Coddington, creative director at Vogue |
Teacher's First Day of School 'Baggage Activity' Gives Kids an Audience For Their Problems (from
Nothing is interesting if you're not interested. |
Helen Clark MacInnes, writer |
10 Skills You Need to Live With More Purpose (from Deanna Singh)
Whatever inspiration is, it's born from a continuous "I don't know." |
Wislawa Szymborska, poet, Nobel Prize winner |
The Importance of "Belief" (from George Couros)
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results. |
Willie Nelson, singer, songwriter |
Technology Updates from Jim
Please see this link for all of the great information! There really isn't too much information in it at all!
Check out the link below for some free stuff
We have three full days before the kids come back. I know your rooms are ready. I know your plans are ready. And most importantly, I know that you are ready. Don't forget that we're wearing Merton blue on Tuesday. Let's start out the year with all of us showing our Merton pride. Have a great weekend!
Take care of the kids. Take care of each other. Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell