Friday, October 30, 2020

"Err on the side of positive"- George Couros (a reflection)

 I was listening to one of George Couros' podcasts on Friday afternoon, and this quote really struck me.

I think that it struck because I remember reading a number of tweets about toxic positivity.  The kind of positive I'm thinking about is looking at a situation and erring on the side of positive.  George shared this story (embedded in this blog) in his podcast about a man on a subway with his kids who were acting out.  I won't spoil the story, but every time I read or hear the story I think that the man is doing the best that he can at that moment.  And when we see people, including ourselves, acting in ways that might not equate with the situation, I encourage you to err on the side of positive and believe that they, and we, are doing the best that we can.

Monday, November 2nd    Food drive begins (no classroom competitions)
Tuesday, November 3rd    8th grade Aspire AM
Wednesday, November 4th    8th grade Aspire PM/ Staff meeting 7:45AM (Plan for 11/5 or 11/12 conferences)/ 6th grade Aspire AM
Thursday, November 5th    6th grade Aspire PM/ 5th and 7th grade conferences/ Virtual materials to office by 4PM
Friday, November 6th    Material pickup
Tuesday, November 10th    7th grade Aspire AM/ 5th grade Aspire PM
Wednesday, November 11th    7th grade Aspire PM/ Staff meeting 7:45AM (District meeting)
Thursday, November 12th    5th grade Aspire AM/ 6th and 8th grade conferences/ Virtual materials to office by 4PM
Friday, November 13th    Material pickup/ Food drive ends

Wednesday meeting rotations
I wanted to make you all aware that there is a rotation for our Wednesday meetings.  The first Wednesday of the month will be a building meeting.  The second Wednesday of the month will be our WIN Wednesday district meeting.  The subsequent Wednesdays will be used for team and personal planning.  With that being said, please use the time next Wednesday to prepare for our upcoming family conferences.  Having materials in place to discuss with our families is really a powerful way to communicate the progress of our students.

Tweets, quotes, and blogs

"Without proper self evaluation, failure is inevitable."- John Wooden, basketball coach

If you have been here a while, you might remember...
Jenny Fischer.  She started a fundraiser to raise awareness regarding suicide.  Her mother and her grandfather were both lost to suicide.  If you'd like to participate in her fundraiser, here is a link.  Thanks for your consideration.

If you are a fan of Meijer...
and you know I am, check out this opportunity from Meijer for teachers.  It's a 15% off coupon for teachers.  All you need to do is show your school ID.  Thanks to Jim for sharing this with me and ultimately with you!

Today ends the first quarter of the year!
I find that line to be pretty amazing.  The first quarter of the year is done at the end of the day today.  Can you believe it?  Think back on the connections you've made with our kids and their families.  Think about the times you've celebrated and supported your colleagues.  I know that it hasn't been all rainbows and unicorns (and some of you know the other phrase that I add following unicorns), but I do know one thing.  There is no question in my mind that you are here for our kids every day.  When you are with the kids in class, you are spot on, doing amazing things, fostering learning, and building relationships.  I know that each of you puts all of your energy into that every day.  I know you leave school exhausted.  And I know you come back the next day because of our kids.  I am proud of you.  I am inspired by you.  I am awed by you.  You are amazing, and I thank you for all that you do for our kids every day.

Have a great weekend!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

Friday, October 23, 2020

Do something for yourself

Thanks for the conversations yesterday.  Today, Saturday, and Sunday should be days to relax and recharge.  Do something for yourself.  Monday will be here soon enough.  If you're into football, watch Wisconsin tonight.  If you're not, curl up with a book or watch a movie or binge a favorite show.  Or take a nap.  That's what I plan on doing.

Friday, October 23rd    No School
Monday, October 26th    Wear Merton Spritiwear/ School board meeting 6PM
Wednesday, October 28th    SEL planning by grade level 7:45AM (See below for more information)
Thursday, October 29th    Virtual materials to office by 4PM
Friday, October 30th    Material pickup
Monday, November 2nd    Food drive begins (no classroom competitions)
Wednesday, November 4th    Staff meeting 7:45AM (Plan for conferences)
Thursday, November 5th    5th and 7th grade conferences/Virtual materials to office by 4PM
Friday, November 6th    Material pickup
Wednesday, November 11th    Staff meeting 7:45AM (Plan for conferences)
Thursday, November 12th    6th and 7th grade conferences/Virtual materials to office by 4PM
Friday, November 13th    Material pickup/Food drive ends

SEL planning on Wednesday
As we near the end of the first quarter, please get together on Wednesday to plan what may be taking place with SEL in November.  In particular, I'd like to have an idea come from each grade level of a theme that I could focus on for a virtual assembly.  Providing me a date for the assembly would also be wonderful, as long as it isn't for Wednesday, October 28th.

Aspire testing
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the best times and dates for your grade level.  I will be sharing schedules for testing dates with you early next week.

Parking Lot questions
Here is the link to the parking lot questions that was started at the beginning of the year.  If you have other questions to add, please do so.  This will continue to be updated as the school year progresses.

Have a great weekend!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

Friday, October 16, 2020

You will make someone smile today

 You will make someone smile today.  You might not have actually seen it, but you will make someone smile today.  Please take this weekend to relax.  Put your school work away for at least one full day this weekend.  Spend time with your family.  Read that book you've wanted to read.  Binge watch a show or watch a favorite movie.  Do something that requires little to know thought.  You deserve it!

Friday, October 16th    Material pickup
Monday, October 19th-Wednesday October 21st    Red Ribbon Week (see Jackie's email)
Monday, October 19th    BLT meeting 4:15PM
Tuesday, October 20th    Virtual materials to office by 4PM/7th and 8th grade invitation conferences
Wednesday, October 21st    Staff meeting 7:45AM/ Material pickup
Thursday, October 22nd    No School- Professional Development Day (see schedule below)
Friday, October 23rd    No School
Monday, October 26th    School board meeting 6PM
Wednesday, October 28th    Staff meeting 7:45AM
Thursday, October 29th    Virtual materials to office by 4PM
Friday, October 30th    Material pickup

Parking Lot questions
Here is the link to the parking lot questions that was started at the beginning of the year.  If you have other questions to add, please do so.

Schedule for Thursday, October 22nd
7:45-8:30        District provided breakfast (Pick up at the Primary School cafeteria)
8:30-12:00        Grade level meetings (Please provide me with an agenda)
                        Vertical team (curriculum) meetings (Please provide me with an agenda)
12:00-1:00        Lunch on your own
1:00-1:30        District meeting in the Intermediate School gym
1:30-3:30        Time to organize and prepare for what happens if we are required to go virtual
                        Refine the 5 emergency lesson plans from Summer Academy
3:30-4:00        Time to read Onward (October chapter- "Be There Now")

I look forward to being back with you next week.
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

Friday, October 9, 2020

Be patient with yourself

How patient are you with yourself?  I really want you to think about that question.  We are patient with our students.  We are patient with our colleagues.  But are we patient with ourselves?  Take a look at this quote from @laurajaneillustrations.

Being patient isn't easy.  It's really hard.  We want things done now so that we can move on to something else.  It's how we're wired as educators.  We live in a time of instant gratification, where a microwave gets our food just warm enough to eat in one minute (I know based upon my lunch on Monday.).  I've talked about giving yourself grace earlier this school year.  Here's the link to the nuts and bolts that mentions grace.  Hopefully you've given yourself some grace this year, and now it's time to give yourself some patience.

Tuesday, October 13th    5th grade invitation conferences
Wednesday, October 14th    Staff meeting 7:45AM (Staff and student SEL)
Thursday, October 15th    Virtual materials to office by 4PM/ CPI training 7:30AM and 4:15PM/ 6th grade invitation conferences
Friday, October 16th    Material pickup
Monday, October 19th-Wednesday October 21st    Red Ribbon Week (see Jackie's email)
Monday, October 19th    BLT meeting 4:15PM
Tuesday, October 20th    Virtual materials to office by 4PM/7th and 8th grade invitation conferences
Wednesday, October 21st    Staff meeting 7:45AM/ Material pickup
Thursday, October 22nd    No School
Friday, October 23rd    No School
Monday, October 26th    School board meeting 6PM
Wednesday, October 28th    Staff meeting 7:45AM
Thursday, October 29th    Virtual materials to office by 4PM
Friday, October 30th    Material pickup

Tweets, quotes, and blogs

Today's Best (by Rae Hughart)

("The Calling"- Don't watch until the weekend!)

This week saw all of you helping out and stepping in, and I cannot thank you enough.  When a guest teacher was needed, Katie, Becky, and Dawn stepped up.  When a guest teacher filled in, grade level teams and Barb made sure that they had everything they needed.  If we needed someone to cover an elective or a study hall, someone was there.  It was an incredible week for our kids thanks to all of you!  Let's hope that next week is a little more normal.

Make sure to take time for yourself this weekend.  Spend time with your family, get outside and enjoy the weather, and put school on the back burner as much as possible.  We have one more five day week with the kids before we can enjoy a long weekend.
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

Friday, October 2, 2020

Who is your "go to"?

 As we're closing in on the end of our 5th week, I need to let you know that I'm so impressed by you.  You are there for the kids and each other every day, but how are you doing?  I  have found that I am really connecting with a select few who will listen, not judge, and let me just talk through how I'm feeling.  Jen is normally my first communication, but sometimes I need to reach out to my educator PLN.  It took me a while to reach out because I thought I could just handle things on my own but that is not the case at all.  I need others to talk to, to connect with, and to just listen.  And I honestly need to find time to talk with each of you more often, too.  I don't need to be your "go to" person.  In fact, I'm sure that some of you would rather talk to someone else other than me.  But we all need that "go to" person or people.  So here's a rhetorical question- Who is your "go to"?  And more importantly, when was the last time that you talked with them?  Maybe you should make some time for that today.  I know that I will.

Tuesday, October 6th    Flu shots
Wednesday, October 7th    Staff meeting 7:45AM
Thursday, October 8th    Picture retake day/Virtual materials to office by 4PM/ CPI training 7:30AM and 4:15PM
Friday, October 9th    Material pickup
Tuesday, October 13th    5th grade invitation conferences
Wednesday, October 14th    Staff meeting 7:45AM
Thursday, October 15th    Virtual materials to office by 4PM/ CPI training 7:30AM and 4:15PM/ 6th grade invitation conferences
Friday, October 16th    Material pickup
Monday, October 19th    BLT meeting 4:15PM
Tuesday, October 20th    Virtual materials to office by 4PM/7th and 8th grade invitation conferences
Wednesday, October 21st    Staff meeting 7:45AM/ Material pickup
Thursday, October 22nd    No School
Friday, October 23rd    No School
Monday, October 26th    School board meeting 6PM
Wednesday, October 28th    Staff meeting 7:45AM
Thursday, October 29th    Virtual materials to office by 4PM
Friday, October 30th    Material pickup

Please live our mantra- Wear your mask.  Stay 6 feet apart.  Wash your hands- all the time when you're in school.  The kids are watching our every move, even when we don't think they are watching.  Living our mantra is what will help to keep us face to face with our kids.

Take care of yourself...
"Stand and Deliver", movie about a high school Math teacher who set the bar really high for his students, was on Wednesday night.  I normally would have been involved in a chat on the Twitters on a Wednesday night, but my wife encouraged me to put my Chromebook and my phone away.  And by encouraged, I mean she told me to put my Chromebook and my phone away.  So I did.  She is my number one "go to" person so I listen to her advice and comply very often.  If you've seen the movie, you know the main character, Jaime Escalante (played by Edward James Olmos) goes above and beyond for his kids.  He gave his all to his students and in turn his students gave them their all, and they succeeded, but it wasn't because of the content he taught.  It was because of the relationships that he built.  The one relationship that stands out to me is the one with Angel Guzman, played by Lou Diamond Phillips.  Here's a short scene from the movie.

(Fandango movie clip)

I see so much of Jaime Escalante in each of you.  You have an amazing passion for our kids.  But you don't need to be Jaime Escalante.  He had no balance in his life.  He put his all into school and had nothing left for his family, his friends, or himself.  I took Wednesday off from school work once I got home.  And you know what?  I had a pretty darn good Thursday.  Can you find one day next week to take off from school?  I know that you can, but I would honestly start by taking off on Saturday.  All day.  You can do it.  And if you do take off Saturday, I'll bet you'll have a pretty darn good Sunday.

Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell