Great things I saw this week...
- Robots in 5th grade.
- Kids reading and writing, in LA classes and outside of LA classes.
- Passion projects in 6th grade.
- Kids excited for the play.
- The nervous energy and excitement of Jackie and Michael getting ready for the play.
- Roller skating, rugby, and golf in PE.
- Kids learning together in Geometry.
- The kids in the play, and Michael and Jackie and Carey's son, Ben.
- 5th grade at BizTown. Check out this animoto of the day.
- Field trip in the hallways by 6th graders to develop ideas for fantasy writing.
- Miniature golf design in PE due to the inclement weather.
- Listening to a student and parent speak German during Homework Club.
- The flexibility of the staff providing opportunities for learning in different environments.
Monday, May 1st
- Student Senate spirit week
- Mayhem Monday (wear wacky attire)
- 7:15-8:30 volleyball practice
Tuesday, May 2nd
- Student Senate spirit week
- Pajama Day
- Power Day
- 8:00 IEP
- 9:45 IEP
- 3:15 IEP
- 4:15-5:15 Homework Club
Wednesday, May 3rd
- Student Senate spirit week
- College Gear Day
- 7:15-8:30 volleyball practice
- 1:30 A-team meeting
Thursday, May 4th
- Student Senate spirit week
- Fandom Day (May the 4th be with you)
- Grade level/specials meetings
- 4:15-5:15 Homework Club
- 4:30 Literacy meeting
Friday, May 5th
- Student Senate spirit week
- Squad Day (Twin Day)
- Grandparents'/ Special Person's Day
- 7:15-8:30 volleyball practice
Saturday, May 6th
- Volleyball tournament at Arrowhead
Tweets, blogs, and quotes
Why Spirit Week Matters to Middle Schoolers (from MiddleWeb, a daily newsletter I subscribe to for inspiration. Please think about this during Spirit Week next week)
Why Spirit Week Matters to Middle Schoolers (from MiddleWeb, a daily newsletter I subscribe to for inspiration. Please think about this during Spirit Week next week)
How to Be A Teacher Reading Role Model- Without Actually Reading In Front of Your Class (from Pernille Ripp)
Because of 4AM (from Brett Hagler)
#PIAchat from Monday (Check out what my colleagues are all about. We'll be presenting at the National Principals' Conference in July.)
There is Not Only One Road to Success (from George Couros)
Your Guide to Running a School Like Disney World (from Lynn Colon, one of my #principalsinaction friends. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Mustang Medal Challenge
Let's try to write at least one Mustang Medal by lunch time today. I'd love to send out a picture on Twitter showing examples of the great things our kids do for each other and you every day. Check your mailbox for a few to fill out. I'll be making phone calls and sending these home early next week. C'mon! Help me make phone calls all day on Monday!
Be the one!
Take care of the kids. Take care of each other. Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell