Wednesday, February 20, 2013

And the excitement builds...

This morning, our TILT (Teachers Integrating Learning Today) team met with the entire staff of our district to preview the great learning experiences they will be involved in tomorrow afternoon.  Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Communication are the four main themes of the afternoon.  The staff buzz around the Intermediate School is evident and bubbly.  They have been reminded not to spoil the surprise we have in plan for the students in the afternoon.  We are having a DJ for the students for two and a half hours while the staff is learning and sharing with each other.  As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, we are taking a risk with this new format of learning for our staff.  I wish that I could learn with them but someone needs to be with the students!  I will, however, get to walk around the building tomorrow afternoon for the last half an hour when the staff will be sharing what they have learned with the students.  I can't wait to be able to share the success of our day!


  1. Jay thanks for taking a risk and giving us the opportunity to do this as a staff. There will be so many good things that come from TILT! We appreciate all you do for us here at Merton!

    1. Thanks, Matt. Developing teacher leaders is an important part of what I do and I'm glad you have taken on that responsibility!

  2. I am stoked! It will be a great day of learning for our staff. I will probably need to recover Thursday night, but I'll definitely blog about it on Friday.
