Thursday, February 10, 2022

How are you taking care of yourself?

I've been reflecting on how I take care of myself and came across this visual in an email I get once a week.
(from Mindshift)
I even mentioned taking care of myself in the breakout group yesterday when I shared what I had learned this year about myself.  I said something like "I learned that if I don't take care of myself I can't really take care of others."  So what do I do to take care of me?  I run every day.  I turn off my technology at 9PM.  I read in the morning before I turn my technology back on in the morning.  My weekends are spent with family and friends, and hopefully a bit of outdoor time (It is February, you know.).  And check the quote I end every nuts and bolts with.  Taking care of myself is even included in that.  So, as we approach a three day weekend (we do have professional learning on Monday), make sure that you do something to take care of yourself.  You'll feel better when you do.

Thursday, February 10th   Jay at state Principals' Conference
Friday, February 11th    No School
Monday, February 14th    Professional Learning Day
Wednesday, February 16th    Content meetings at 7:45AM/ PTO Culver's Night
Thursday, February 17th    Family conferences 4:30-8:15PM
Monday, February 21st    BLT meeting 4:15PM
Wednesday, February 23rd    Grade level meetings at 7:45AM
Monday, February 28th    School board meeting 6PM

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
"They say that the world belongs to those who get up early.  That's not true.  The world belongs to those who are happy to get up."
Monica Vitti, actor

Educator Effectiveness
Just a couple of reminders for you.  Don't forget to set up a meeting to discuss your mid-year SLO/SPO.  This is for everyone.  And if you're on cycle, let's get that second formal observation scheduled, too.  I'll reach out to those who don't get anything scheduled on Monday.  Thanks for your attention to this professional responsibility.

Rumors make things less clear
It's come to my attention that there are rumors going around about the schedule, about who is teaching what, and about the responsibility of sharing the schedule.  As of today, we have a framework for the schedule.  We are working through staffing the schedule.  We are working on a communication plan regarding the schedule.  The framework of the schedule was put together using input from the BLT and from you.  The schedule was put together with this input by the Instructional Leadership Team which consists of, in no other order than alphabetical, Becca, Jay, Maria, and Ron as there are some shared staffing positions that need to be considered.  Our hope is to share the schedule with all of you in late February or early March.  Please see me if you have any questions, but don't ask me what you'll be teaching next year.  That will happen once we have a communication plan in place.

I'm finishing this up before heading on a run before the start of day 2 of the state Principals' conference.  I won't be in the building today but I'll be thinking of you all.  I will be checking emails and will have time once in a while for a call if you need to speak with me about anything.  And if you have a chance, can you send me a picture of something cool going on in your classroom today.  I'd appreciate it.
See you all on Monday!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

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