As the NCAA basketball tournament has begun, I could use the analogy of our school as a basketball team, but that doesn't really work. Although most of the staff would consider me the coach, the ultimate decision maker, I see myself more like the point guard. I help guide the team on the floor, putting them in the right position to come up with the best shot. Sometimes we make the shot and sometimes we don't, but we always have the same goal- to make the shot. Sometimes the players on the floor change positions or leave the floor for a substitute, including the point guard. That's fine with me as each player on our team has a unique set of skills, skills that help make our school team the best that it can be for our kids.
The question in the title of the blog is "What makes a great teammate?" I would say it's simple- a great teammate is one who will work together with others to do what is best for our kids.