Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

Welcome back!  I'm so excited to see you and the kids tomorrow!  And there is one huge surprise!  Although I've seen the Learning Lounge, I'm waiting until the kids see it before I put anything out on social media.  There aren't any pictures of it in this post, either.  John, Jordan, Darwin, and Kirk have put in a great deal of time over Winter Break.  Mary and Jim provided their expertise as well.  It is a tremendous learning space.  If you'd like to check it out, feel free to do so.  We'll need to agree on the expectations of the space so until we are able to come to that agreement, students shouldn't be sent there alone.  The space is meant for our students, but first dibs goes to our 7th and 8th graders for the time being.  Before we make our final decisions on the expectations of this learning space, please take a moment to read this blog from Pernille Ripp called "On Flexible Seating".  Thanks again to Patrick, Becky, Megan, Katie, and Kelly for their flexibility during the month of December.  It was great to see the learning continue in those classrooms.  Thanks to Ron and the School Board for their support of the project.  It really is an awesome learning space with a lot of incredible options.

Tuesday, January 2nd
Welcome back!
4:15-5:15  Homework Club
Wednesday, January 3rd
1:15  A-team meeting
Thursday, January 4th
Grade level/ Specials meetings
4:15-5:15  Homework Club
Friday, January 5th
No Office Day!

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
Connected, my #OneWord2018 (from me)

It's in the nature of the human being to face challenges. ... We're required to do these things just as salmon swim upstream.
Neil Armstrong,

He Was an Angry Child, You Know (from Pernille Ripp)

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Ralph Waldo Emerson,

People Shape Culture (from George Couros)
A Mindset Shift to Continue Supporting the Most Frustrating Kids (from MindShift)
20 Inspirational Quotes to Start off 2018 (from George Couros)
Why EdCamp in 2018? (from Michael Mohammad)
My #OneWord2018 (from Mark French)
The Bat-Signal Was Batman's Calling, What Is Yours? (from Dennis Griffin)

And finally, this...

See you all soon!
Be the one!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

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