Monday, June 18, 2018

How did you relax?

Good Monday afternoon!  I promise that now that I have all of my work for the 2017-2018 school year completed, I won't be emailing you again until after June is over!  I wanted to share how I have relaxed since you all left.

  • Lots of family time, which included watching my brother's beast of a dog.  No need for the chiropractor as he readjusted my back every time we went for a walk.
  • My daily run, or runs, have allowed me to just let my mind wander.
  • Mowing the lawn to try to keep up with all of the other neighbors' yards.
  • Golfing and finding more golf balls than I lost.
  • Dinner out with friends, sometimes even without my phone.
  • Serious discussions with two co-authors about a potential book.
  • Summer Spark presentation and learning with some great educators from across the country.  Maybe we can present together next year?
  • Spreading six yards of mulch in one 4 hour span of time.
  • Talking to Lauren, without our phones!
  • Planting the community garden with Patrick and some students.
  • Hanging out by the pool in Fox Lake.
  • Dinner with family and friends.
Important Calendar Dates!
Tuesday, September 25th
Boosterthon pep rally

Thursday, October 4th
Boosterthon fun run

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
Everyone must dream. We dream to give ourselves hope. To stop dreaming -- well, that's like saying you can never change your fate.
Amy Tan,
(sketchnote from @woodard_julie of WoodStock Images)

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

"Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind."- Leonardo da Vinci, Italian painter, sculptor, and inventor

It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.
Paulo Coelho,

(from @smartinez, my favorite quote from Summer Spark)

You won't be happy, whatever you do, unless you're comfortable with your own conscience.
Lucille Ball,
entertainer and producer

This is the last nuts and bolts of the 2017-2018 school year.  Thanks for your willingness to read my sometimes random thoughts, reading an occasional blog which resonated with me, reading a quote or two, and hopefully gaining a little inspiration along the way.  It has been an honor serving our community with you this school year.
Be the one!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself!- John Gunnell

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