Thursday, September 13, 2018

It's not just another week

As you look back at week two, there are probably moments that you remember because of their greatness and other moments that you remember because of their awfulness.  Do me a favor and concentrate on that great ones.  Don't even let those awful moments sneak in.  So, what's the great one?
Dramatic pause...
Now, share it with someone.  Anyone.  There's a reason that it's a great moment so it should be shared.  In fact, I would love to compile a list of your great moments from the week so that everyone knows about them.  This could be our first staff blog, play or pass.  Now that would be my great moment of the week.

Great things I saw this week...
physical activities in PE.
outdoor recess all week!
math discussions between students and staff.
burning metal in Science.
safety reminders before burning metal.
students reading in math class.
small group work in math class.
the bands working on new music.
7th and 8th graders playing together at recess.  The 5th and 6th graders are playing together, too!
individual conversations between staff and students about math and reading.
the kids were awesome at the assembly, and so were you!
amazing discussions with kids in class.  You are really getting to know them as learners.
terrific grade level meetings with a bit of humor thrown in.  It's great to laugh together.

Learning rounds with Brenda and Jay start this week
Ask me if you want to know what this means!

Intermediate School Special Events

Saturday, September 15th
Choir car wash and grill at Hartland Piggly Wiggly

Wednesday, September 19th
Workout Wednesday for staff and students
Boosterthon staff kickoff 8:00AM
Culver's Night

Tuesday, September 25th
Boosterthon kickoff

Saturday, September 29th
EdCampMiddleSchool at Concordia

Thursday, October 4th
Boosterthon fun run

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
At the End of the First Week (from Pernille Ripp)

The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.
Stephen Covey,
writer and educator

The Balance Between Struggling and Developing Strengths (from George Couros)

#InspiringOurSchool challenge.  When you post to Twitter, add the hashtag for a chance to win some cool stuff from

7 Lessons Every Kid Should in School (That Have Nothing to Do with Curriculum) (from AJ Juliani)

#mertonint on Twitter
#MertonProud on Twitter
Merton Intermediate School Facebook page
mertonint on Instagram
Student assembly from 9.12.18
Family smore from 9.14.18

I hope that you enjoy the weekend.  We just finished our first 5 day week.  I'm tired, but it's a good tired.  I know a weekend of golf and the Packers game will get me energized for another great week.
Be the spark!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

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