March 12, 2020. Do you remember that day? I sure do. And to be honest, we've all been preparing for this school year since that day. I cannot tell you how proud I am to go to school with you every day. You have asked great questions, shared how you're feeling, and want to do all that you can to make sure that we keep our kids, and ourselves, in school. As I mentioned on a Twitter chat last night, I have a new mantra- Wear your mask, stay 6 feet apart, and wash your hands. In the same chat I also mentioned that I have become comfortable with saying, "I don't know" as well as "That's a great question. We'll figure it out together as we go along. But I want you to think about this. Have you ever started a school year where you didn't have all of the answers to your questions? I know that I have, and we were able to figure it out together. Make sure you unplug this weekend, connect with your family, get some rest (I love Saturday and Sunday afternoon naps, but I'm also older than I used to be), and don't forget to eat breakfast on Tuesday.
BLT notes from 8/27/2020 (Hand sanitizers were added upstairs. Thanks, Jordan and Mike!)
Emergency sub plans should be uploaded into your substitute folder but they will only be used if we are 100% virtual.
You will need to collect the signature page from the student handbook from each of your homeroom students. When they have all been collected, please put them in a manila folder and give them to me.
We need to remember to wear our masks when we are in the building. If you are in your classroom alone, you don't need to wear your mask but if you are with a colleague or colleagues anywhere in the building, please make sure your mask is on!
Make sure that you've completed the three mandatory trainings. Bloodborne pathogens records automatically but the mandatory reporter trainings need to be emailed to Jennifer Peterson.
Per Waukesha County guidelines, we will not be notifying families or staff about COVID cases in our district. Merton is in zone 3 with a requirement of 6 feet of social distancing and required face masks. A student with symptoms will be in virtual learning for a minimum of 10 days without a negative test. A student may return with a negative test and symptom free for 24 hours. Refusal to wear a mask on the bus will mean students lose bus privileges. Refusal to wear a mask in school will mean students will be virtual.