Thursday, April 14, 2022


Baseball season is underway and with it hopefully some better weather.  Where is this Spring of which people speak?  Anyway, I saw this quote and it made me think about our path to success.

"The shortest distance between two point may be a straight line, but it's in the curving paths that the best things are found."
Lygia Fagundes Telles, writer, lawyer

Our path to success for our students and our school has not been a straight line.  We have try something, reflect on how it works, make adjustments, reflect on the adjustments, and make more adjustments.  It's a continuous process and one that involves and requires collaboration and feedback.  The straight line approach might appear easier but it also isn't practical.  Noting truly moves in a straight line.  There are curves along the way and that's how it should be.  The one thing we can't do is stay still, and I know you all well enough to know that you don't stay still for long.  Let's keep reflecting on what we're doing and enjoy the curving paths that are leading us to more success.

Thursday, April 14th    Forward testing for all
Friday, April 15th-Monday, April 18th    Spring Break #2 (No School)
Tuesday, April 19th-21st    Forward testing
Wednesday, April 20th    PTO Culver's Night (see below)
Monday, April 25th    BLT meeting 4:15PM/ Student Achievement Committee 5PM/ School Board meeting 6PM

Tweets, blogs, and quotes
"Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
James Baldwin, American novelist and activist

(from @teachergoals)

"We need to do things without expecting benefits in return."
Lygia Fagundes Telles, writer, lawyer

(from Inspiring Quotes)

(from Inspiring Quotes)

(from @tedhiff on the Twitters)

PTO Culver's Nights
On April 20th, the PTO will benefit from Culver's Night in Hartland.  Although I haven't been there in a while, our families really like to see staff members there.  We even get to take food to tables and cars!  The PTO gets a percentage of the proceeds from 4:00-8:00.  You don't need to stay the entire time, in fact I try to shoot for 5:30 when it's closer to dinner time.  If you are interested in joining me for a bit that night, please let me know or, better yet, just show up and surprise the families!

Forward Exams
Next week ends our scheduled Forward Exams.  I am apologizing in advance for the interruptions that will occur starting next week and extending into the following week as we make every effort to have our students complete the make up exams.  If there is a day for us to avoid, please let me know so that I can try to work around that day or class period.  As I reflect on the Forward Exam so far, I've heard you talk about how we have been able to create really good testing environments.  I've also you talk about how seriously the students are taking the sessions.  Thanks for reminding your classes of the importance of taking their time and doing their best.  I think that everything you have done to help our students prepare will show up in the results.   Keep up the great work!  Only three testing days left!

As we approach Spring Break #2, I hope that you make time for your family and friends and stay away from school work as much as possible.  I won't reach out to you unless there's an emergency.  If you need to get in touch with me, texting will be your best option.
Have a great 4 day weekend!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

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