Friday, March 18, 2016

Are you ready?

Did the title catch your attention?  Last Friday, I sure thought I was ready.  I had prepared for the Google exam, I had passed all the quizzes in the modules, and I had a positive attitude that I would do well.  I took the exam, checked over my answers, felt good, and pushed the "End Exam" button.  The screen for results had a little spinny thing and then the results came up.  76%- failed.  I got a little feedback with suggestions that I needed to study more about sheets (I knew that was a weakness.) and presentations (What?  I thought I was pretty good at those.)  Oh, well.  I've got two weeks before my do over.  I can guarantee that I'll be working on sheets for the next few days.  I might even ask you a few questions.
As I continue on the theme for "Are you ready?", I realize that I need to be ready every day for those things that I don't expect.  They aren't on my calendar and I can't necessarily plan for them.  But I do have a chance to plan most of my day so I focus on that.  The same is true with all of you.  You plan for your daily lessons, often with meticulous detail (Is that a blue chip word, Heidi?), but something can happen that can throw everything off.  It's how you deal with that that determines the success of your lesson, and maybe even your day.
Our students face these same dilemmas.  They come to school only to find out that they left their homework at home or on the bus or in the car.  Their family pet may have died the night before.  A relative could be sick and in the hospital.  They feel prepared for the test in class and then draw a blank, despite studying for more than just the night before.  It's important that we provide support in those moments when things don't go as planned.  And if one of you needs some support, seek out a colleague or friend.  There's no need to go at it alone.  And you can bet that I'll be asking some, or all, of you about sheets.  I really could use your help.

Monday, March 21st          BLT meeting 4:15PM
Wednesday, March 23rd    8th grade Spanish placement test
Thursday, March 24th        Grade level meetings- Forward Exam/ Celebrate Students and Colleagues
Friday, March 25th-Sunday, April 3rd     Spring Break

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
"Don't find fault--find a remedy."- Henry Ford, industrialist
"Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors.  Try to be better than yourself."- William Faulkner, writer
"The scientific man does not aim at an immediate result.  He does not expect that his advanced ideas will be readily taken up.  His work is like that of the planter--for the future.  His duty is to lay the foundation for those who are to come, and point the way."- Nikola Tesla, physicist, engineer, and inventor

Have a Great Day! (blog from @GenieneD, my friend from Kentucky)
"A change is not growth, as all movement is not forward."- Ellen Glasgow, writer
Learning is Irregular (blog from @Dwight_Carter, my friend from Ohio)
(from Diva Parekh via PixTeller)

"Risk is the companion of innovation."- John Adair, leadership professor and writer
"Growth is a spiral process, doubling back on itself, reassessing and regrouping."- Julia Cameron, photographer
Who gets to decide what's innovative in education? (from @ajjuliani)
"Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together."- J.C. Penney, entrepeneur
@mertonint on Twitter
#mertonint on Twitter
Merton Intermediate School Facebook page
Family smore for 3.18.16

This is a much watch video.  I've shared it with families in today's smore, too.
Dear Teacher: Heartfelt Advice for Teachers from Students (from brainhighways)

You have done a phenomenal job this week with our students and with each other.  My goal today is to get into every classroom, at least once.  If you have something you'd like me to see or be a part of, please invite me in.  It's awesome when I can learn along side of you and our students.
Have a terrific weekend with family and friends.

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