Friday, June 16, 2017

Still learning...

As I sit in my office this week, catching up on paperwork and planning for two presentations at the NAESP/NASSP Conference in Philadelphia, the silence of the school without you and the kids is deafening.  I don't often listen to music while at school, but I have been this week, and it's more for white noise than for singing, thank goodness.  I've also done some lurking on Twitter to learn from Summer Spark participants and read a few blogs that catch my attention.  One of my favorite bloggers is George Couros, author of The Innovator's Mindset.  He makes me think, makes me question what I do with and for you and the students, and pushes me to become a better principal.  His blog post from Sunday, What Lies Within Us?, made me pause.  Check out the link here.  You have heard me talk about finding the positive within our kids and each other quite often.  This blog post starts there with asking us to look for the talents of our students before looking for their deficits.  Doesn't that sound like an awesome idea?  Think about that as you begin to think about next year's students and families.  I know it's only the middle of June, but the kids are looking forward to next year already, and I'm sure many of you are, too.

Week of June 19th
I'll be in every day, at least in the morning
Week of June 26th
Vacation with Jen and Lauren

Tweets, blogs, and quotes
"The secret in education lies in respecting the student."- Ralph Waldo Emerson

(from Pinterest)

Recognize, Rectify, Move Forward (from George Couros)

(from Pinterest)

Get the Most Out of Summer (from edutopia)

Removing Barriers and Hurdles (from George Couros)

(from Pinterest)

I hope your first week of summer has been relaxing and filled with family and friends.  Jen, Lauren, and I are going to the US Open today.  I'll be in next week at least in the morning if you want to stop by for any reason.  Construction is moving along so be aware that room access is very limited.
Have a great weekend!

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