Monday, August 28, 2017

Let the teachers teach!

Last week was an awesome week for me.  You all came back to work, ready to prepare your rooms, ready to work with your teams, and ready to learn together.  Thanks to Jessica, Brenda J., Mary, Andrea, and Martica for putting together a fantastic Harry Potter themed learning experience for all of us.  As I sat back and took it all in on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, it was great to see us learning from each other.  As we have heard before, we are our greatest resource.  Thanks for sharing in the learning this week!

Tuesday, August 29th
PD all day! (8:00-4:00)
School board meeting 7PM
Wednesday, August 30th
Get ready for the families! (11:00-7:00)
Staff photos at 4:00
Thursday, August 31st
Training all day! (8:00-4:00)
CPI training in the gym starting at 8:00
Other mandatory trainings to follow
Friday, September 1st
Work day (8:00-4:00)
Staff meeting 8:30 in the Little Theater
Lunch and learn- financial planning (12:00-12:45)

Tweets, blogs, and quotes
What's Your Compelling Reason? (from George Couros)

 (from Pinterest)

Investing in the Future (from George Couros)

(from Pinterest)

(shared by Megan Mastrocola, Mike's daughter)

(from Pinterest)

(from Facebook)

I had a chance to take some more photos of the school so I updated our YouTube video about the changes around the school.  Here it is!

I can't wait to see you all tomorrow, and I'm looking to seeing all of our students and families on Wednesday.  I am ready for a great year.  Are you?
Be the one!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

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