Friday, December 15, 2017


Wednesday morning we had an assembly.  I have had a number of assemblies in my over 10 year journey as principal at Merton Intermediate School, but this one made me the most nervous.  I needed to send a message to all of our students about the importance of choosing kind.  It may not seem like a difficult message to send.  After all, who doesn't feel great when they are treated kindly?  I appreciate you all coming in at the end of the assembly to hear our challenge to be kind all the time, every day.  I really think that the videos and my personal stories had an impact on the students, but did the impact end once the students left the gym.  That's where you come in.  Please help keep the #ChooseKind focus in our students and each other.

Monday, December 18th
Lunch on Jay and Jen (And you know Jen does all of the work)
8:50-10:15  cover Colleen and Michelle
4:15-5:15  BLT meeting
7:00  Board meeting
Tuesday, December 19th
2:00  Future Ready Google hangout
4:15-5:15  Homework Club
Wednesday, December 20th
PTO brunch and gift wrapping
I'll be visiting classrooms all day!
Thursday, December 21st
Grade level and specials meetings
4:15-5:15  Homework Club
Friday, December 22nd
I'll be visiting classrooms all day!

Great things I saw this week...
The learning continues, every day, in every classroom.  (Keep the kids engaged and hold them accountable and they'll come through for all of us!)
Kids doing Google expeditions, and hearing their oohs and ahhs.
The concerts on Tuesday.
The standing ovation on Wednesday.
The kids during our Wednesday assembly.
Staff celebration of the great work you've all done.

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
3 Ideas for Taking Care of Yourself Before the Break (from George Couros)

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness.

(from Pinterest- Harness your inner Michael Corleone for next week!)

Moving From Obstacle to Advantage (from George Couros)

Although I want you all to take a break from school, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share this with you.  It's a chance to do a some professional learning over Winter Break.  It's called the "Ditch That Textbook Summit" and was in an email from Dave Burgess.  If you are interested, it's easy to sign up and you can choose which of the modules you'd like to learn about.  Here is the link.  Maybe I'll see you in a couple of modules over break.

Enjoy the weekend, and #GoPackGo!
Be the one!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

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