Friday, February 22, 2019

Fighting through

This week started out with a head cold.  I don't get sick very often, and when I do I just try to fight through it.  I'm not sure it's the smartest thing to do, but that's what I do.  I've seen each of you fight through things in my 12 years as principal.  Sometimes it's sickness that you're fighting through.  Sometimes it's a relationship with your own family or with a colleague or with a student.  What I learned this week is that we notice when others are fighting through.  We step up and support them, ask them how they are doing, and, in the words of Dr. Max Goodwin of New Amsterdam, ask, "How can I help?'  Remember that we can't go at this world of education alone.  Someone is there, and sometimes all you need to do is answer Dr. Goodwin's question.

Great things I saw this week...
Students working in small groups and partners in Science.
5th grade Making an Impact project.
Conversations during turn and talks during mini-lessons.
Table ball in PE.  There was a lot of action!
Math meeting discussions that support our kids.
Conversations with staff and students of celebration and redirection.  Both are great conversations!
The effort the 8th graders were putting into their post-assessments in LA.
The chance to show one of our basketball teams how proud I am of them, complete with picture home and sharing of an email.
Our students taken on the role of volleyball coach, and really doing a great job!

Intermediate School Special Events

*Don't forget to schedule your mid-year SLO/PPG with me as soon as you have your mid-year results. (MAP tests completed or other in class assessment that was used.)

Monday, February 25th
4:15  BLT meeting
7:00  School board meeting

Friday, March 1st
Student Senate carnival

Saturday, March 2nd
PTO Trivia Night

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
Empowering Students in the Day-To-Day Operations of Our Schools (from George Couros)

Whenever I danced, I danced for my mom and my people. Being the first, I was representing my people so I had to go out there and be good. I couldn't make a mistake.
Arthur Mitchell,
first black ballet dancer with the New York City ballet

Lost Wallet, Found Hope (from Allyson Apsey)

(from Math SmartBrief)

Learning From Mistakes but Not Allowing it to Hold Yourself Back (from George Couros)

(from Jessica Johnson)

Play with it. Improvise. Become more creative. Not because you have to, but because you want to. Evolution is the secret for the next step.
Karl Lagerfeld,
fashion designer

What Are They Trying to Say? (from Pernille Ripp)

Family smore from 2.22.19

Can you believe it?  We had a five day week, including outdoor recess every day.  I'm filled with pride as I walk through our school and into your classrooms every day.  I know that you are proud, too, as you tell me about the great things happening with our kids in your classroom.  There are struggles, but I never hear you giving up on a kid.  It's just not in your nature.  Keep on keeping on, and realize that at this time next week we'll be in the month of March.
Be the spark!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

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