Friday, May 17, 2019

Let's keep the focus on the learning!

Other than makeups, all MAP testing is now done.  There should be only "normal" days left in the month of May.  To make the remaining days count, instead of counting the days, let's keep the focus on the learning.  I'm still visiting classrooms and seeing some amazing things.  Kids are engaged in learning activities and stretching their thinking in creative ways.  Kids are reading and writing and solving math problems.  They're staying active in PE, learning new vocabulary in Spanish, making projects in Science and Social Studies, playing instruments and singing songs, and being more artistic then I ever was.  The more engaged the kids are, the fewer issues we'll be dealing with in the weeks to come.  I've seen this posted on the Twitters and Facebook and it couldn't me more true.

Great things I saw this week...
Golfing in PE.
Coding Ozobots and Dashes in Science.
Incredible book discussions in LA.
Sharing country research in Social Studies.
5th and 6th grade archery elective going strong.
Researching in Science classes.  Do you know what a pangolin is?
The band and choir concerts.  Our kids are so talented and Jonathan and Michael get the most out of them.
Continued focus during MAP testing.
Hand delivering teaching contracts.
A student sharing her animal research with me.
Read alouds in LA.  I love listening in, too.
The excitement in a student who was selected to share her project with the class.  She was really excited!
Students working hard on reading skill quizzes.
Excitement in signing up for Celebration Day field trips.
Working together with a student on their helicopter.
Watching a student handle a really difficult situation with maturity and understanding.  It wouldn't have happened four years ago.
Kids working together on their math during Homework Club.

Intermediate School Special Events

Monday, May 20th-Friday, May 24th
MAP testing makeup week

Monday, May 20th
BLT meeting  4:15

Thursday, May 23rd
#143day (In honor of Mr. Rogers-

Friday, May 24th
Jeans for Troops Day ($5 to Barb in support of the GIGo Fund)

Monday, May 27th
Memorial Day- No School

Friday, May 31st
Celebration Day

Wednesday, June 5th
8th grade Day Away
Culver's Night
8th grade dance

Thursday, June 6th
8th grade graduation  7PM

Friday, June 7th
Last day of school- Half day

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
Taking a moment to be kind (from George Couros)

"Every single thing you do matters. You have been created as one of a kind. You have been created in order to make a difference. You have within you the power to change the world."
– Andy Andrews, Author of the Butterfly Effect

How do we move from commiserating to empathy? (from Allyson Apsey)

The Present Moment is Our Friend (from George Couros)

(from a Facebook post by Jessica Johnson)

I've never really taken anything very seriously. I enjoy life because I enjoy making other people enjoy it.
Tim Conway,
comedian, actor, writer and director 

(from Julie Woodard during #122edchat)

Once we realize that imperfect understanding is the human condition, there is no shame in being wrong, only in failing to correct our mistakes.
George Soros,
businessman, philanthropist and political activist

Family smore from 5.17.19

Last five day week?
I changed the sign on Main Street on Thursday morning.  Here's what's on it.
What happened to the school year?  As I changed the sign I realized that there is only one five day week left.  Please take every opportunity to connect one more time with the kids and each other.  Create lasting positive memories with them whenever you can.  Keep your lessons engaging and creative, just like you've done all year.  Let's support the kids and one another as we hit the home stretch of the school year.  There is so much more that we can and will do together!
Be the spark!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

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