Friday, February 28, 2020

Sharing with others

This week we had some of our friends sharing their classroom ideas with others down in Illinois.  I'm so proud of all of you who share our Merton story with others.  Wouldn't it be awesome if we didn't need to travel to Illinois to hear about these great ideas.  Or imagine if we could visit someone's classroom while we have a planning period.  Or what if someone would cover your class so you could go and watch a colleague in action.  We joke about this all the time, so what's holding us back?  I'd love for one of you to visit a colleague's classroom and share what you saw.  The conversations would be amazing.  And it could make all of us just a little better.  So, how can I help?

Great things I saw this week...
The excitement for our IdeaCon presenters.
The kids' behavior for our guest teachers.
You all connecting with our guest teachers to make sure that all was going well.
5th grade Social Studies projects connecting them with our community.
Hearing about the conversations you had with families about their kids.
Rube Goldberg projects in 5th and 6th grade.
The artists who shared their art with the School Board.  Wow!
Homework Club kids using their time to get their work done. (Ask Lori)
Lego robotics kids attacking their obstacle course.
Kids reading and writing.
The struggle with rotations and translations and such in Math class.  The struggle is real and the kids are persevering.
Fuel Up to Play 60 kids taking leadership with All-Star week.

Please continue to review the Intermediate Special Events Calendar at our weekly grade level and specials meetings, too.

Friday, February 28th
Jeans Day!
Student Senate Carnival  5-8PM

Thursday, March 5th
Arena style family conferences  4:30-8:00PM

Friday, March 6th
Half day- Did you give Barb and I your schedule?

Saturday, March 7th
EdCampElmbrook 8:00-2:30
PTO Trivia Night

Tuesday, March 10th
Choir (5:30) and Band (7:15) concerts

Wednesday, March 11th
WIN Wednesday

Thursday, March 12th
A-team meeting 1:15
NJHS induction ceremony 2:00
PTO meeting 2:30

Friday, March 13th
Art Show

Monday, March 16th
BLT meeting 4:15
School board meeting 7:00

Tuesday, March 17th
Leadership Camp 8-12
SEL meeting all day
Spanish placement test 1:00

Wednesday, March 18th
Yearbook Activity pictures (NJHS and volleyball teams)
Culver's Night 4-8PM

Saturday, March 21st-Sunday, March 29th
Spring Break

Name it.  Claim it.  Explain it.
Thanks to Dave for playing along last week.

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
You Are the Solution (from George Couros)

If a thing's worth doing at all, it's worth doing well.
Evelyn Waugh,

I spent the last few days getting caught up on blog posts and podcasts from George Couros.  Here is a chart he shared in his blog on February 17th.
(Taken from What We Do With What You Know by George Couros)

George causes me to pause, reflect, re-evaluate, and move forward.  The last part is important.  Sometimes the moving forward part means more of the same.  Sometimes the moving forward part can be a small tweak.  Sometimes the moving forward part can be completely different.  Whatever the decision, I know that it impacts more than me.  I also realize what is a small change for me can be a major change for someone else.  The opposite is also true.  So as I think about the changes we are contemplating for next year, whether it's staffing or the schedule or room assignments, and I need to continue to remind myself that any changes also require support.  That support will look different for everyone, myself included.  As we move forward with the remainder of the school year and look to next year, please don't hesitate to reach out to your colleagues, your family, and me so that we can grow together and take another step toward creating a learning environment that benefits even more of our learners.

(from Teacher2Teacher)

Ripples by Dave Burgess (I know Heidi shared this on Wednesday night but it's too good not to share again.  May you one day feel like Van Gogh felt because of the impact you have had on our kids.)

mertonint on Instagram
Principals' Report from the School Board meeting 2.24.20
Family smore from 2.28.20

There's plenty in this week's nuts and bolts. If I could have you read and reflect on only two things it would be the opening paragraph and the Ripples blog by Dave Burgess.  I hope that you are able to connect with one of them.
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

Friday, February 21, 2020


I was out of school for quite a bit of time last week attending Restorative Practices training (I'd love to chat with you all about this) as well as the AWSA (State Principals' Association) conference.  Both experiences were really good, but they kept me out of school, the thing that I look forward to most.  So why did I choose "Grateful" for the title of this week's blog?  Here's why.
I'm grateful for the opportunity to have learned about restorative practices with Jackie and Lori.
I'm grateful for the discussions I had with Jackie and Lori about our students and how amazing it is to have staff that supports our children in so many ways.
I'm grateful for those who stepped up to help out with lunch and recess duty (Don't forget about your GOOSE passes!).
I'm grateful for not having to worry about what might happen while I was away because whatever happened one of you stepped up and took care of it.
I'm grateful that our district provides a variety of professional development opportunities for all of us.
I'm grateful to get to go to school with each of you every day!

Great things I saw this week...
Wonderful classroom visits on Monday.
Being able to join the second lunch and being a part of conversations Tuesday (Did you know someone put their pants on backward Tuesday morning?).
The 5th grade hot dog lunch was awesome.
The Merton Values hung in the commons. (Thanks, Mary, Darwin, and Jordan!)
An IEP meeting focused on a positive transition to Arrowhead.
Working with a prospective Eagle Scout on a 4K project.
6th graders presenting their cerebral palsy toys.
Mary, Jordan, and Darwin bringing the Merton Values to our Commons.
The concern for some of our most fragile students before starting a unit on depression, and the conversations I got to have with parents about this.
The introduction of the fantasy unit in 5th grade LA.
Watching the 5th grade get fired up about their community service unit in Social Studies.
Seeing people take care of each other.
The focus 7th graders had while planning for their post-assessment in LA. Wow!
You know your kids, and you know how important it is to be connected to their families.  That was on full display last night at conferences, but I also know that you have been connecting with families all year long.  Keep it up!

Please continue to review the Intermediate Special Events Calendar at our weekly grade level and specials meetings, too.

Friday, February 21st
Jeans Day!

Monday, February 24th
School Board meeting  7PM

Friday, February 28th
Jeans Day!
Student Senate Carnival  5-8PM

Thursday, March 5th
Arena style family conferences  4:30-8:00PM

Saturday, March 7th
EdCampElmbrook 8:00-2:30
PTO Trivia Night

Tuesday, March 10th
Choir (5:30) and Band (7:15) concerts

Thursday, March 12th
A-team meeting 1:15
NJHS induction ceremony 2:00
PTO meeting 2:30

Friday, March 13th
Art Show

Monday, March 16th
BLT meeting 4:15
School board meeting 7:00

Tuesday, March 17th
Leadership Camp 8-12
SEL meeting all day
Spanish placement test 1:00

Wednesday, March 18th
Culver's Night 4-8PM

Saturday, March 21st-Sunday, March 29th
Spring Break

Name it.  Claim it.  Explain it.
Thanks to Carey for playing along last week.

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
(from Mind/Shift)

Life doesn't give you all the practice races you need.
Jesse Owens,
track and field athlete, Olympic gold medalist

(from School Leadership 2.0)

Find the good. It's all around you. Find it, showcase it and you'll start believing in it.
Jesse Owens,
track and field athlete, Olympic gold medalist

My mother always told me, even if a song has been done a thousand times, you can still bring something of your own to it.
Etta James,
(A great thought to consider the next time you are teaching a lesson you've done before.)

mertonint on Instagram
Family smore from 2.21.20

Grateful, part 2
I'm finishing our nuts and bolts while sitting in my father in law's Lazy Boy.  My feet are up, I'm watching some sort of crime show on television, and I'm doing my best not to fall asleep.  Conference nights can be long.  You feel like you are always "on" because you know that the family you are speaking with is so invested in their child.  It's their world and you get it.  Not only do you get it, but you also feel the same way as the family.  You have invested time, energy, effort, and creativity to build a relationship with the family.  You want the child to be the best they can be at what they want to be.  And then the next family comes in and you start all over again.  Last night it happened from 4:30-8:15, or maybe a little earlier to a little later.  Maybe it was earlier because that's what worked for the family.  Maybe it was later because you wanted to follow up with an email or a text or a phone call.  For all of you, being a teacher isn't a job.  It's your passion.  It's who you are.  It's who you were meant to be.  Our families are lucky to have you as their child's teacher.  Our students are lucky to have you as their teacher.  I'm lucky to get to go to school with you every day.  You are why I'm grateful every day to go to school in Merton.  Thank you!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

Friday, February 14, 2020


Although this week was short for me (I was only in school on Monday and half the day on Wednesday), there were lots of great conversations, some at school and some not.  What I've learned from this last week is probably a separate blog post, but here are the highlights.
Thanks to one of you for helping me realize that a face to face conversation where everyone involved can honestly share their feelings so that our relationship can be better is vital for both of us.
Thanks to Jimmy Casas and Joe Sanfelippo for always being willing to talk and for making me reflect on what I can do to be better for our kids, you, and our school.
Thanks to all of the educators that I connected with at restorative practices training and the AWSA and NAREN conference.  You helped me reflect on what we do in Merton, but more importantly what I do in Merton to be better.
Thanks to Jen for always being there even when I don't seem to be there (you all know what I mean).
I'm looking forward to our conversations this afternoon and in the days to come.

Great things I saw this week...
Just being with you and the kids on Monday and Wednesday.  I love going to school because of you!
Kids reading.
The band and choir getting ready for their March concerts.
You weren't there, but know that I spoke about you, in a good way, in every conversation I had with the educators I connected with this week.  I am proud to go to school with each of you.
*This list will be much longer next week!

Claim it.  Name it.  Explain it.
Thanks to Janine for playing along last week.  If you missed her explanation, make sure to check her email.  Hosting students who want to become educators is the best way to build our profession.

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
Now is the accepted time, not tomorrow, not some more convenient season. It is today that our best work can be done.
W.E.B. Du Bois,
sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, writer, editor

The In-Between (by Jon Harper)

I dwell in possibility.
Emily Dickinson,

When you know your why your what can have more impact.- from Jimmy Casas, the author of Culturize, at the principals' conference this week.  The video below explains what he means.  Take a few minutes to be inspired!

I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself.
Mikhail Baryshnikov,
dancer, choreographer, actor

I had to end with this...
... (parent on Facebook) recommends Merton Intermediate School.
1 hr
Simply the best educators that care and inspire the kids to whatever degree/ability they’re at. An atmosphere of inclusion, perseverance, giving, Sharing, involvement and more. This started in 4K at the Primary school and has made its way all the way to grade 8. Couldn’t be more satisfied and proud we moved to Merton with the great schools in mind. Has not disappointed ever even with my high standards.

This is all because of you.  Thank you!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

Friday, February 7, 2020

February is just a month

I've read a lot the last few days about the month of February.  Two of my friends call it the armpit of the school year.  Great visual, huh?  I find February to be an incredible month full of four weeks of learning, connecting, and building relationships.  And this year we have an extra day of learning, February 29th! (Yes, I know it's a Saturday, but there are some amazing Twitter chats on Saturday mornings.)  Our attitude impacts our altitude.  Find ways to keep up the energy.  Here are some suggestions-
Pick a day each week to take nothing school related home.  Guess what?  It will still be there tomorrow.
Go for a run, a walk, a bike ride, or enjoy a weight room session.  Whatever it is, be active for a little while each day.
Have date night each week.
Turn off your technology at 9:00.  (It works for me!)
Read a book that's not school related.
Binge watch something, anything, that is mindless.
Wear jeans to school every Friday this month.
Visit your favorite restaurant, and not just on the weekend.
I'm sure you have some great ideas of your own, so share them!

Great things I saw this week...
Annotating reading in Science.
T-shirt weather for recess (at least on Monday)
Lots of new activities in PE (table ball, team handball, spike ball)
Research in Social Studies (Revolutionary War and North America to just name two.)
Book club discussions in LA.
STEM Club after school run by former Merton students.
Laughing in grade level meetings.
An email from a guest teacher, even before they taught here. (Ask Heidi)
Students asking each other for help on Math, and not just for the answers.
Listening to Touching Spirit Bear read aloud. (Ask Becky P.)
Students sharing projects with their classmates.
Comments from the architects that toured our school about how great the school looks (Thanks to all of you, but especially our custodial staff) and how much learning they saw happening!
The Great Chocolate Milk debate with our 5th graders.  (Great evidence on both sides, but chocolate milk will remain in our cafeteria for one more year, at least!)

Name it.  Claim it.  Explain it.
Thanks to Becky Oppermann for playing along last week.

Please continue to review the Intermediate Special Events Calendar at our weekly grade level and specials meetings, too.  I need your help with lunch and recess on the highlighted dates.  GOOSE passes for all who help out! 

Friday, February 7th
Jeans Day!

Tuesday, February 11th
Restorative Practices training (Holly has volunteered to take 5/6 recess.  Thank you!)

Wednesday, February 12th
WIN Wednesday
Yearbook Activity pictures taken
Restorative Practices training (I need at least one volunteer for 5/6 recess.)
AWSA conference

Thursday, February 13th
AWSA conference (I need two volunteers for 5/6 recess.)

Friday, February 14th
PD Day
AWSA conference

Wednesday, February 19th
Culver's Night 4-8PM

Thursday, February 20th
Requested family conferences 4:30-8:00PM

Friday, February 21st
Jeans Day!

Monday, February 24th
School Board meeting  7PM

Friday, February 28th
Jeans Day!
Student Senate Carnival  5-8PM

Thursday, March 5th
Arena style family conferences  4:30-8:00PM

Saturday, March 7th
EdCampElmbrook 8:00-2:30
PTO Trivia Night

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
Lessons from Groundhog Day (the movie) (from Allyson Apsey)

Speech is conveniently located midway between thought and action, where it often substitutes for both.
John Andrew Holmes,

(From my good friend Tom Murray.  You are all leaders!)

I want to believe that there is a mountain so high that I will spend my entire life striving to reach the top of it.
Cicely Tyson,

A Rotten Week...and a Revelation (from Dave Burgess, and it's worth the read!)

Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew.
Cicely Tyson,

I think inspiration is always around; it's just a question of whether or not you're noticing it.
John Green,

Meemic Foundation
I wanted to send out this friendly reminder about the Meemic Foundation and grants for our school.  There is no pressure to switch insurance at all.  It's just an opportunity for Meemic to give back to educators.  Here is the link to sign up for the Meemic Foundation.  Please see me if you have any questions.

You just never know...
I received this from a former student who is now in college in Texas and would like to become a teacher.  The last line says it all.

I for sure will because you definitely can help me get a job at a school. I really did enjoy talking with you about everything because you have been very helpful. I will stay in contact with you throughout the rest of my college career. But if I am ever in town I will most definitely stop by to say hi and talk. I am very thankful I reached out to you though because the way I was taught at Merton is the reason I wanted to become an educator.

Enjoy the weekend!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell