Monday, March 23, 2020

Reflections on a post...

Last week I shared a blogpost with our staff and also with the world on social media.  It was entitled "Merton is the BEST" and can be found here.  In the post, I shared about our journey as a school from my first days as principal in 2007.  It was one of those stream of consciousness posts, a chance to clear my head before going to bed, about how our current situation has made us even more of a family.  I received some feedback with some thoughts about what I wrote.  It may help to read the other post first but even if you don't, know that the trust that our staff has with me and one another is one thing of which I am proud.  I am also proud of all that they do for and with our kids and each other, not just now but every day.  Here is an email with information removed to allow anonymity.  I was granted permission to share this.

Disclaimer: You know I will shoot straight with you even if you don't like it...

I think it depends...We love working with each other and some of the best people I know are the people I work with.  We do consider each other family. I do not feel that this enhanced that feeling because the bond is colleague-colleague and has been strong for many years. I do NOT feel that this transition to online learning was difficult for (staff member) or for me.  We set our minds to it and converted everything. So did (other staff members). That part is easy; just time-consuming. What is difficult is seeing those garbage bags lined up in the gym and seeing the sweet faces of the (grade level students) who sent us videos. We sincerely miss the kids  I almost broke down when I spoke to (student) today. It's really hard to not have the kids with us. I know you know that. I know you feel that too.

You write: "We did things without asking.  We did things before we were asked.  We didn't complain.  We questioned and got answers and acted.  The answers changed and we didn't complain.  We knew we were flying the plane while we were building it.  We didn't sit back.  We offered our time, our creativity, our assistance, and our leadership."

I think the staff will like it better if you acknowledge that we have been doing just that for many years and that's why you are not surprised that your staff, your family responded with such stellar professionalism and dedication.  I feel like you have teachers who have always acted this way.

I think right now your blog reads too much like you are surprised or shocked that the intermediate staff is responding so well. That might not go over well. You also repeat "didn't complain" and that implies you are pleasantly surprised no one complained. That might not go over well.

In the end, you are right and Merton staff responded well.  But I think it is because we always have and not because we have just recently become a family.

Okay, maybe now I will really turn off my computer for the night...

This is why I love my Merton family.  They share their thoughts and ideas with me without concern of retribution or retaliation.  They know that I will reflect and make sure that I do just a little better tomorrow than I did today.  Isn't that what we should all try to do anyway?

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