Friday, January 28, 2022

Reflections and adjustments

I know that last week I referenced halftime of a basketball game.  Many of you know that I am a former high school basketball coach and if you didn't know that, now you do.  One of the most important times of a basketball game is the first 5 minutes of the third quarter.  The halftime adjustments, based upon reflections and observations from the first half by the coaching staff and players, have been discussed and now they need to be implemented.  What sorts of adjustments are you making to better meet the needs of your students, your colleagues, and yourself?  How will you use assessment data to guide your instruction?  Have you met with your content colleagues about their data?  What's one thing that you're trying this quarter that you haven't tried before?  How do you know if it's successful?  I know that's a lot of questions but they are important ones, for sure.

Monday, January 31st    School board meeting  6PM
Wednesday, February 2nd    Building meeting at 7:45AM
Wednesday, February 9th    District meeting at 7:45AM
Friday, February 11th    No School
Monday, February 14th    Professional Learning Day
Wednesday, February 16th    Content meetings at 7:45AM/ PTO Culver's Night
Thursday, February 17th    Family conferences 4:30-8:15PM
Monday, February 21st    BLT meeting 4:15PM
Wednesday, February 23rd    Grade level meetings at 7:45AM
Monday, February 28th    School board meeting 6PM

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
"Persistence is critical.  Being creative and persistent is even better."
Katie Couric, journalist, writer

(from Inspiring Quotes)

Why People Keep Going (from George Couros)

Helping out our custodians...
Please remember to put the trash out in the hallway at the end of the day.  This small step saves our crew a ton of time especially during the Winter when we are short staffed.  Thanks for helping out!

Educator Effectiveness
Have you set up a time to meet with me about your mid-year SLO/SPO?  Please make sure to do so as soon as you can.  I really enjoy these meetings as we can talk about your successes and your struggles and ways that I can support you.  And while we're talking about meetings, have you set up your 5 minute check ins with me?  I'll be stopping in to see all of you today, if at all possible, to get an update.  I'm looking forward to our conversations.

Analyzing student data
You may have noticed my mention of data in the opening paragraph.  Have you set up a content meeting with Maria and I to discuss a recent assessment?  If you haven't, we need to set up a meeting by Thursday, February 10th.  That gives us two weeks to get something organized.

I hope that you had a great week.  I sure did as I was able to get into a lot of classrooms, and I'm looking forward to getting into more classrooms today.  I even got to "direct" the Band yesterday afternoon.  Here's a selfie I took at the end of our rehearsal.
This is a group of 6th graders who are brand new to Band.  They are first year Band students and they sounded really good.  Listening to them play two songs pretty well after less than 5 months is nothing short of amazing.  I've noticed similar examples of growth in all of our students in all content areas.  Can you think of one student who has improved exponentially in your class?  I know that you can.  Do you recognize the impact you've had on that student's success?  I bet you haven't but know that your efforts with our kids allows them to succeed.  Our kids are fortunate to have you as their teacher.  Keep on doing what you're doing and remember to reflect and adjust.  That's how we all get just a little bit better every day.
Have a great weekend!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

Thursday, January 20, 2022


It's halftime.  The end of the semester is today.  I'm always amazed at how quickly the first half of the year goes by.  Don't get me wrong, some days are longer than others but overall this semester has gone by pretty quickly.  I encourage you to reflect back on the first semester.  I'm reminded of my coaching days and the halftime adjustments we would make to be more successful.  I almost always found something we did well so I encourage you to do the same.  What one thing really sticks out to you as an accomplishment?  I always found something that we could do better so I encourage you to do the same.  What one thing really sticks out to you as something to improve?  I'd be interested in hearing some of your thoughts when we see each other on Monday.

Friday, January 21st    Half day (AM classes)/ MLSS meeting 12:15-3:15/ Mustang U due
Monday, January 24th    Professional Learning Day
Tuesday, January 25th-Friday, January 28th    Mid-year Educator Effectiveness meetings
Wednesday, January 26th    Grade level meetings 7:45AM
Monday, January 31st    School board meeting  6PM

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
(from Inspiring Quotes)

How do you choose what gets done?  Reviewing leadership priorities... (from Amber Teamann.  I know that this is a leadership post but you are all leaders and can benefit from this advice.)

(from Inspiring Quotes)

(from Inspiring Quotes)

The Risk in Things We Don't Do (from George Couros)

(from Jethro Jones)

"If you're waiting for the right time...Time never comes, it only goes."
Azereth Skivel

(from Inspiring Quotes)

A-team update

COVID UPDATES: Discussion of CDC recommendations- more to come with isolations after Ron’s discussions with the county for families and staff.

Emergency Plans Review: Evacuations teachers stay with students- take to designated locations. If removed off campus- Arrowhead HS NORTH (buses would be here within 45min).

Scheduling for 2022-23: IS building schedule draft based on student needs & offerings and Primary has a draft; nothing finalized. Sharing non-negotiables with the BOE this month.

Digital Sign Update: Getting quotes- more to come.

Staffing Update: Interviewing now for B&G- replacement for Jim Hannon.

Professional Learning Agenda: Maria planning to send out by Friday.

FORWARD Planning: Beginning to plan for SPRING Assessments. Maria will attend the DAC meeting next week; more to come with administering requirements and proctoring.

Fitness Room Update: Ready for 6AM-9:45pm. Main entrance by Door 1 allows for staff to come in after hours. More to come from Jim Binney.

Two reminders...
*Staff feature information needs to be completed by all staff.  This is a way that we are highlighting all of our family members.  This information will be posted on social media and principal memos but only after receiving approval from the staff member.  Here is the google form that Maria sent to staff to complete during the December staff meeting (no need to complete a second time if you've already completed it once).
*Mustang University courses are to be completed by today, Friday, January 21st

Thanks for a great week!  I get to go to school with such amazing people who encourage me to be better.  Sometimes to be better you need to take a step back, leave school at school, and reconnect with yourself and your family.  That's my plan for this weekend.  I'll see you all on Monday!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

Friday, January 14, 2022


As you can see, there are no real fancy pictures or blogs this week.  It's been a busy week with lots going on for all of us.  I've noticed the effort that you put in this week, and it's the same kind of effort I've been seeing all year long.  All that I can ask of you, and more importantly all that you can ask of yourself, is to give your best every day.  That's what we ask of our kids.  That's what we ask of our colleagues.  That's what we ask of ourselves.  I'm certain that you can find a part of your day that you can look back on and say, "Hey, that was pretty darn good."  Remember those times because those are the times that bring me back tomorrow.  And like I've said before, be just a little bit better tomorrow than you were today.

Friday, January 14th    PTO meeting 9:45AM
Monday, January 17th    BLT meeting 4:15PM
Wednesday, January 19th    Content meetings 7:45AM/ PTO Culver's Night
Friday, January 21st    Half day (AM classes)/ MLSS meeting 12:15-3:15
Monday, January 24th    Professional Learning Day
Tuesday, January 25th-Friday, January 28th    Mid-year Educator Effectiveness meetings
Wednesday, January 26th    Grade level meetings 7:45AM
Monday, January 31st    School board meeting  6PM

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
 "You don't have to become something you're not to be better than you were."
Sidney Poitier, actor, film director

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life.  And if that doesn't work out for you, tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life."
Bob Saget, comedian, actor, television host

"The goal of living a full life is so, at its end, you'll have learned some things along the journey."
Bob Saget, comedian, actor, television host

As we come to the end of the first semester next week, I hope that you can look back and remember some of the amazing things you've done with and for our kids.  Please know that it doesn't go unnoticed.  During the weekends, I trust that you are taking time away from school to recharge, relax, and reconnect with your family and friends.  Last Saturday I didn't look at my school or personal email.  It meant that I needed to spend some time on my Chromebook on Saturday morning but the trade off was worth it.  I will be away from school next Thursday afternoon and all day Friday to spend time with Jen and Lauren.  I'll be back on Monday to join in our professional learning.

I'll see you in just a couple of hours.  Let's make it the best Friday of the week!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

Friday, January 7, 2022

Obvious to you. Amazing to others.

Thanks for a great first week back.  After not being in classes very often the first four days, today I plan on being in each of your classrooms, and hopefully more than once.  Over break, or maybe it was early this week, I came across this video.  Please take a moment to view it.

(Obvious to you.  Amazing to others. by Derek Sivers)
So, since I've been in Merton, I've wanted you to all have the same opportunity that I do- a chance to see our teachers in action.  What you might consider obvious in your delivery or classroom management or building relationships could be amazing to someone else.  Brian has told us this again and again, we are our best resource.  As we close out the first semester, it would be great for you to visit someone else's classroom to see the amazing.  Can't get into a classroom because you're teaching at the same time, I know someone who would be happy to cover your class for you.

Wednesday, January 12th    District meeting 7:45AM
Friday, January 14th    PTO meeting 9:45AM
Monday, January 17th    BLT meeting 4:15PM
Wednesday, January 19th    Content meetings 7:45AM/ PTO Culver's Night
Friday, January 21st    Half day (AM classes)/ MLSS meeting 12:15-3:15
Monday, January 24th    Professional Learning Day
Tuesday, January 25th-Friday, January 28th    Mid-year Educator Effectiveness meetings
Wednesday, January 26th    Grade level meetings 7:45AM
Monday, January 31st    School board meeting  6PM

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
"You don't luck into integrity.  You work at it."
Betty White, actor, comedian

(from Inspiring Quotes)

(from Jon Gordon)

(from Inspiring Quotes)

(from Danny "Sunshine" Bauer's blog)

(from Inspiring Quotes)

Wednesday's building meeting
In case you wanted to review what we discussed on Wednesday morning, here's the link to the presentation that I shared.  I've also put together the notes from our "big topic" discussions which you can find here.  Please remember that our BLT will have our schedule ideas as the only topic for our meeting on Monday, January 17th.  If you have anything you want us to consider, please either connect with your BLT representative or me.

A-team update
*Staff feature information needs to be completed by all staff.  This is a way that we are highlighting all of our family members.  This information will be posted on social media and principal memos but only after receiving approval from the staff member.  Here is the google form that Maria sent to staff to complete during the December staff meeting (no need to complete a second time if you've already completed it once).
*COVID update- discussion regarding DHS and CDC recommendations following the new guidelines
*Building schedules are being drafted with staff input
*Summer School locations- first two sessions (June and July) at the Intermediate School, August will be at the Primary School.  More information regarding Summer School recommendations and due dates will be forthcoming.  Intermediate School will be cleaned following the July session of Summer School
*Monday, January 10th we will be communicating for staff to sign up for teaching Summer School
*Budget deadline to submit classroom supplies is January 31, 2022

This week seemed to go pretty quickly for me.  Maybe it was the same for you or maybe it wasn't.  I bring up this point as we think about how our students felt this week.  For some, getting back to school was amazing.  For others, they may have been nervous to come back for a variety of reasons.  Either way, both for our colleagues and for our students, check in on one another to see how they are doing.  We need to do our best to be here for one another.
Have a great weekend!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell