Thursday, January 20, 2022


It's halftime.  The end of the semester is today.  I'm always amazed at how quickly the first half of the year goes by.  Don't get me wrong, some days are longer than others but overall this semester has gone by pretty quickly.  I encourage you to reflect back on the first semester.  I'm reminded of my coaching days and the halftime adjustments we would make to be more successful.  I almost always found something we did well so I encourage you to do the same.  What one thing really sticks out to you as an accomplishment?  I always found something that we could do better so I encourage you to do the same.  What one thing really sticks out to you as something to improve?  I'd be interested in hearing some of your thoughts when we see each other on Monday.

Friday, January 21st    Half day (AM classes)/ MLSS meeting 12:15-3:15/ Mustang U due
Monday, January 24th    Professional Learning Day
Tuesday, January 25th-Friday, January 28th    Mid-year Educator Effectiveness meetings
Wednesday, January 26th    Grade level meetings 7:45AM
Monday, January 31st    School board meeting  6PM

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
(from Inspiring Quotes)

How do you choose what gets done?  Reviewing leadership priorities... (from Amber Teamann.  I know that this is a leadership post but you are all leaders and can benefit from this advice.)

(from Inspiring Quotes)

(from Inspiring Quotes)

The Risk in Things We Don't Do (from George Couros)

(from Jethro Jones)

"If you're waiting for the right time...Time never comes, it only goes."
Azereth Skivel

(from Inspiring Quotes)

A-team update

COVID UPDATES: Discussion of CDC recommendations- more to come with isolations after Ron’s discussions with the county for families and staff.

Emergency Plans Review: Evacuations teachers stay with students- take to designated locations. If removed off campus- Arrowhead HS NORTH (buses would be here within 45min).

Scheduling for 2022-23: IS building schedule draft based on student needs & offerings and Primary has a draft; nothing finalized. Sharing non-negotiables with the BOE this month.

Digital Sign Update: Getting quotes- more to come.

Staffing Update: Interviewing now for B&G- replacement for Jim Hannon.

Professional Learning Agenda: Maria planning to send out by Friday.

FORWARD Planning: Beginning to plan for SPRING Assessments. Maria will attend the DAC meeting next week; more to come with administering requirements and proctoring.

Fitness Room Update: Ready for 6AM-9:45pm. Main entrance by Door 1 allows for staff to come in after hours. More to come from Jim Binney.

Two reminders...
*Staff feature information needs to be completed by all staff.  This is a way that we are highlighting all of our family members.  This information will be posted on social media and principal memos but only after receiving approval from the staff member.  Here is the google form that Maria sent to staff to complete during the December staff meeting (no need to complete a second time if you've already completed it once).
*Mustang University courses are to be completed by today, Friday, January 21st

Thanks for a great week!  I get to go to school with such amazing people who encourage me to be better.  Sometimes to be better you need to take a step back, leave school at school, and reconnect with yourself and your family.  That's my plan for this weekend.  I'll see you all on Monday!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

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