Wednesday, June 8, 2022

My last nuts and bolts

It's hard to believe, but this is my last formal nuts and bolts.  As I began writing this on Sunday, I was catching up on some school work while also reading an email or two.  Of course, I read an email from George Couros, and this quote made me think of my time in Merton, our time together, and the impact that I hope to have had on our students, families, school, and you.

I have done my best every day to connect with our students and with each of you.  Some days I have done better than others.  The same is probably true for you.  Some of you I have connected with better than others.  The same is probably true for you with your own students.  In the same email was this quote, and it made me reflect even more on my time in Merton.
How powerful is that quote.  It made me reflect on those students, staff, and families that I might not have connected with well to see that it was me that needed to make a different and more intentional effort to create a positive relationship.  As I move on from Merton into the next chapter of my life, I can only hope that I keep these two quotes in mind when I'm connecting with my family, my friends, or anyone with whom I come in contact.

Wednesday, June 8th    Last day of school (half day)/ Yearbook signing and ice cream sandwiches
Monday, June 13th    First day of session 1 of Summer School
Monday, June 20th    School board meeting
Tuesday, July 5th    First day of session 2 of Summer School

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
(from an Annex Wealth Management email)

(from Inspiring Quotes)

(from Inspiring Quotes)

It has truly been an honor and privilege to be the principal at Merton Intermediate School.  I will miss being in your classrooms.  I will miss our conversations about school and your families.  I will miss each of you.  Have a great last day of school!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

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