Friday, November 2, 2018

Full week focus

After a three day weekend, I noticed you came back with a focus on the kids.  That's not to say that you weren't focused before.  It's just that sometimes we need to hit reset and jump back in with both feet, focusing on our kids' success.  On Monday alone, I witnessed three specific instances of staff connecting one on one with students, providing support, suggestions, and the needed nudge to do better.  I honestly think that one of them didn't even know that I noticed.  That's the focus that I'm talking about.  The focus I saw reminds me of Seabiscuit (not that any of you are horses), how when he got his blinders he was the best that he could be.  There are times when you have your blinders on, too, and don't even know I'm in the room or in the area.  That's some awesome focus, and I'm so glad that you accept me into your classrooms every day.  I really wish there was a way you could visit each other's classrooms to see what I get to see every day.  If only someone could take over your class so that you could do that.

Great things I saw this week...
We all got right back to learning after the long weekend.
Parent meeting on Monday, and the family is so happy they're in Merton.
Lego robotics presentation at the board meeting on Monday. (Thanks, Becky, Landon, and Dominic!)
The choirs and the bands are sounding better every day. (Not that they sounded bad before.)
Conferring happening in LA while students are reading picture books and finding craft moves.
Partner work in math class and listening to the students help each other understand the new program and concepts.
Encore choir singing Halloween songs to our 5th graders.
Students making sure to include others in their discussions during class.
A teacher telling me, "I wish you had been here 20 minutes ago!" (Don't forget to invite me in if you have something awesome you'd like me to see.)
5th graders all dressed up for Biztown.
Mr. Teofilo here all week working with and connecting with our kids.
The effort of our students during pre-assessment and on demand writing.

Intermediate School Special Events

Monday, November 5th- Friday, November 9th
Book Fair

Wednesday, November 7th
Jeans for Troops Day ($5 to wear jeans. Money goes to Veterans charity)

Friday, November 9th
Veterans Day Celebration

Monday, November 12th
7th/8th grade Aspire testing

Wednesday, November 14th
WIN Wednesday
7th/8th grade Aspire testing

Thursday, November 15th
7th/8th grade Aspire testing
Arena family/teacher/student conferences

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
(from Jessica Johnson's memo to staff)

Wanting to reform the world without discovering one's true self is like trying to cover the world with leather to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns. It is much simpler to wear shoes.
Ramana Maharshi,
Hindu sage

Are we preparing students to be chefs or cooks? (video from AJ Juliani)

Couch to Happiness (from Allyson Apsey)

(from @valentinasel via MindShift KQED)

What hurts the victim most is not the cruelty of the oppressor but the silence of the bystander.
Elie Wiesel,
Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor

Iceberg Moments #KidsDeserveIt (from Todd Nesloney)

(from Sylvia Duckworth)

How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.
Annie Dillard,
#mertonint on Twitter
#MertonProud on Twitter
Merton Intermediate School Facebook page
mertonint on Instagram
Family smore from 11.2.18

I am so impressed with each of you every day.  I walk into classrooms and see the kids focused on learning, either independently or in groups.  You have conversations about kids and families and what we can do better for them.  You never give less than your best.  So not only am I impressed, I am honored and humbled to work with you every day.  I'm looking forward to another great week next week, and please invite me in if you have anything extra special planned.  I love watching you teach!
Be the spark!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

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