Friday, November 9, 2018

You are doing your best, and I notice!

As last week wound down, I received an email from a friend of mine, Pernille Ripp, that contained her latest blog.  Please take a moment to read it.
Hold this message close, especially on the tough days.  Celebrate the great things you are doing for your kids and each other.  I'm proud to work with you!

Great things I saw this week...
Our 7th and 8th grade choir singing the National Anthem before the Bucks game.
Students helping each other with the Inventor program.
Students reflecting on their work from the first quarter.
Girls basketball teamwork, with Mr. Budisch officiating.
The book fair and all the work Jen and the volunteers did to make it a success.
Conversations with students and staff, with the students reflecting on their choices without any prompting or suggestions.
All of the jeans on Wednesday.
Watching an intervention, the smile on the student's face, and the confirmation that it's the people and not the programs.
The ebb and flow of a class that allows for students to get refocused and back to work.  (They are kids, after all, and you all get it.)
Listening to you all discuss the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay students, and realizing that there are so many more who could be called. (So why not pick up the phone?  I've got bracelets for you!)

Intermediate School Special Events

Monday, November 12th
7th/8th grade Aspire testing

Wednesday, November 14th
WIN Wednesday
7th/8th grade Aspire testing

Thursday, November 15th
7th/8th grade Aspire testing
Arena family/teacher/student conferences

Wednesday, November 21st- Sunday, November 25th
Thanksgiving Break

Monday, November 26th
School Board meeting

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
Immersed in the Present With an Eye on the Future (from George Couros)

Crushing Goals (from Kristen Nan)

(taken from Jessica Johnson's Friday Focus)

My #Sidehustle: Facts and Fallacies (from Allyson Apsey)

(from The Teacher Next Door)

Good multiplies when focused upon. Negativity multiplies when focused upon. The choice is ours: Which do we want more of?
Julia Cameron,

Rethinking Balance (from George Couros)

Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.
Truman Capote,
#mertonint on Twitter
#MertonProud on Twitter
Merton Intermediate School Facebook page
mertonint on Instagram
Family smore from 11.9.18 (more photos to add after Veterans Day celebration)

Today is one of my favorite days because...
it's all run by the kids (with some significant help from Michael and Andrea).
it's an incredible show of support for our veterans.
it shows so many people what our kids are really like.
it shows how much you have done to help our kids realize what's important in life.
I see so many smiles from students, their guests, and their families.
I get to share it with my mom and dad.
it shows that you get what's important in our school- the kids and teaching them more than just academics.
Be the spark!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

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