Friday, January 4, 2019

Choice, voice, and taking a chance

I read this quote and thought of our school family- both adults and children.

The easiest way to avoid wrong notes is to never open your mouth and sing. What a mistake that would be.
Joan Oliver Goldsmith,

I really want you to think about this quote, too.  Think about break.  Did you sing at any point in time?  If not, what held you back?  If so, what was the reason?  I thought about this even more as I walked about the school this week.  I saw all sorts of ways that you were connecting with students, some on purpose and some through conversations that you just didn't know where they were going (Am I right, Dave?).  The key was that you were rebuilding relationships in a way that was your choice.  You gave students the chance to have conversations that shared what they did over break.  Regardless, you took a chance which allowed students to take a chance too.  When we model allowing for choice, voice, and taking a chance, you'll be amazed at what the kids will do.
P.S.- In the Tweets, Quotes, and Blogs section below is a blog post from Tom Murray that I saw after I wrote this introduction.  It's worth your time to read, but if you don't have the time to read it, make sure to watch the minute long video embedded in his blog.

Great things I saw...
A variety of ways of reconnecting with our students when they returned to school.
Peer evaluation of Math projects.
Student involvement in notetaking.
Partner projects getting started in Science.
7th graders listening intently and with respect to a fellow student sharing about the new version of Scratch.
Mindfulness practice in Language Arts.
Energy games in Science class.
Staff helping out guest teachers.
Brainstorming ideas for Kindness Day (More to come from Student Senate.).
A really cool balloon activity in Choir (Ask Michael about it.).
TEDTalks in Language Arts.

Intermediate School Special Events

Wednesday, January 9th
WIN Wednesday meeting and assembly are cancelled so it's a "normal" day and schedule.

Thursday, January 17th
Half day- PM schedule, but not really as it's Kindness Day.
We will be having our WIN Wednesday assembly with all students and staff in followed by Kindness Day activities until student dismissal.  More information to come soon.

Friday, January 18th
No School for students

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
"To give your kids everything in life." (from George Couros)

The Work You Do Has Power (from Tom Murray. If you don't read the blog, at least watch the video.)

There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.
Freya Stark,
explorer and writer

My #oneword2019 (from my blog)

I'm struck by how laughter connects you with people. It's almost impossible to maintain any kind of distance or any sense of social hierarchy when you're just howling with laughter. Laughter is a force for democracy.
John Cleese,
comedian, actor and producer

How Do You Model Risk-Taking? (from Tom Murray. Don't shy away from reading this, or watching the video.  We are all leaders!)

mertonint on Instagram
Family smore from 1.4.19

Thanks for a great three day week.  We're back to a five day week next week.  Get some rest, recharge, refresh, and reconnect with family and friends this weekend.  I'll be doing the same!
Be the spark!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

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