Friday, January 11, 2019

You are amazing!

We're finishing up the last full week of the first semester.  Can you believe it?  As I visited classrooms this week, I realized one thing.  Our kids have amazing teachers.  I didn't just realize this now.  It has been evident for quite some time.  But this week put an exclamation mark on the word amazing.  Here's why.  I continue to see you working hard to build connections and relationships with our kids.  And it is hard work, but the benefits are immeasurable.  I watch develop create procedures and expectations that the kids follow and rise to.  They often exceed those expectations, too.  No matter what, you all put kids first.  Always.  I may not send you an email, or leave a note, or say it to your face.  And I know I should do all of those things more often, because it's true.  You are amazing!

Great things I saw...
Students working with small groups in Science to come to a consensus.
Students sharing their research in Science.
Students, and me, enjoying read alouds in Language Arts.
Smooth transitions from one activity to another.
Students being great audiences for their friends who were presenting.
Students putting great effort into their TEDtalks in Language Arts.
6th grade band learning a new song.
Students getting right to work (reading, writing, math, you name it) as soon as the directions have been given.  Procedures and expectations get results.
The sound of students reading (silence, for the most part) and the click of keyboards while annotating.
Most students dressed properly for recess.
Students debating in LA.
Watching the 7th and 8th graders put together dance routines.
Toy prototypes in Science.
Students really focused during MAP testing.
The excitement of the students involved in Mary Poppins Jr.

Intermediate School Special Events

Wednesday, January 16th
Culver's Night

Thursday, January 17th
Half day- PM schedule, but not really as it's Kindness Day.
We will be having our WIN Wednesday assembly with all students and staff in followed by Kindness Day activities until student dismissal.  Here is the schedule.

Friday, January 18th
No School for students

Saturday, January 26th
EdCampMadWI (EdCamp Madison, in Sun Prairie)

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
10 Fun Alternatives to Think-Pair-Share (from We Are Teachers)

Perhaps we cannot raise the winds. But each of us can put up the sail, so that when the wind comes we can catch it.
E.F. Schumacher,

Nothing would be done at all, if a man waited till he could do it so well that no one could find fault with it.
John Henry Newman,

Discipline or Compliance? (from George Couros)

Family smore from 1.11.19

I have a challenge for you.  It comes from the #AWSAconnect Twitter chat I moderated last night.
Each of you is a leader, and you all know a leader who has impacted you or our school or both.  In the words of Mission Impossible, your mission, if you choose to accept it, is as follows.  Have a discussion with them.  No need to blog about it or tweet it out, but that would be cool if all of us did that.

Have a great weekend!
Be the spark!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

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