Friday, October 11, 2019

Prioritizing time

This week was not a normal week for me.  Maybe the same was true for you.  I had a meeting in Madison, guest taught, and slept on the roof on Tuesday.  I had an all day SEL meeting and a family vaping forum on Wednesday.  I had grade level meetings, an A-team meeting, and a strategic planning meeting on Thursday.  And who knows what today will bring.  The schedule I had this week was because of decisions I made and meetings that were scheduled.  When I wasn't in meetings or guest teaching, I visited classrooms.  But I'm behind on my feedback to you, and that's okay.  I can't go back and change my decisions.  I chose how I was going to use my time.  Today is a new day and I will have meetings and responsibilities, but I also have the opportunity to choose how I use the time that is unplanned.  My plan, as it is with any school day, is to get into classrooms, connect with you and the kids, and provide feedback to at least three of you.  This means there is a good chance I won't respond to emails as quickly as I'd like, but the priority is you and the kids in your classrooms.  Emails will be there when I sit down to eat lunch or after you and the kids have left for the weekend.  I ask you to think a bit about how you prioritize your time.  This weekend I encourage you to prioritize the time with those who are in front of you or alongside you.  The school work will be there when you get back to school on Monday.

Please continue to review the Intermediate Special Events Calendar at our weekly grade level and specials meetings, too.

Tuesday, October 15th
Living as a Leader coaching session 8:00 (Jay)
Twitter tutorial 4:15 (Library)

Wednesday, October 16th
Twitter tutorial 8:00 (Learning Lounge)
Culver's Night

Thursday, October 17th
Requested family conferences

Friday, October 18th
PTO Fall Fest

Saturday, October 19th
EdCampWalkersPoint 8:00-3:00

Monday, October 21st-Wednesday, October 23rd
Red Ribbon Week

Monday, October 21st
BLT meeting 4:15

Thursday, October 24th
PD day- No students

Friday, October 25th
No School

Monday, October 28th
School board meeting

Name it.  Claim it.  Explain it.
Thanks to Michael for playing along last week.

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
Looking Inward to Move Onward (from George Couros)

Failure is a part of success. There is no such thing as a bed of roses all your life. But failure will never stand in the way of success if you learn from it.
Hank Aaron,
professional baseball player, right fielder

Graphics for Trauma-Informed Schools (from Allyson Apsey)

I Am Reminded (from Pernille Ripp)


The Pursuit of Excellence in the Creation Process (from George Couros)

I appreciate the work of our BLT and our wellness committee for their work on school spirit.  Merton Mondays, encouraging sharing what's going on in our school, and teams "competing" in the water bottle challenge help to bring us all together.  It's come to my attention that some of you would like a refresher in the use of Twitter.  If you didn't notice, I added an opportunity for some Twitter assistance next Tuesday afternoon and next Wednesday morning.  All are welcome!
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell


  1. Reading the nuts and bolts brings me back to what makes Merton such an awesome school district Passion and purpose, enthusiasm and energy, curiosity and compassion, You all make me proud. Thanks!

  2. We are lucky to be working in such a great district!
