Friday, January 29, 2021

Remember-lutions jar

At our last SEL all staff meeting, Lisa, AJ, and Jackie spoke about the remember-lutions jars. It's all about finding the bright spots. Over the course of the school year, fill the jar with notes about your favorite memories and accomplishments. Make sure to include notes about what you feel proud of having done. There are two jars, one in each teachers' lounge. As I had conversations with you over the course of this week, I heard some incredible stories. Three stick out to me right now. There was the struggling Math student who volunteered to show how he answered a problem, and he did so correctly. Goose bumps. There are the students rushing to be outside for cross country skiing, and not even asking to come inside to warm up. And it was cold this week, especially in the morning. There was the student who struggled with his fruit snacks on Tuesday and was helped by a classmate. And then on Wednesday the student wanted to thank the student who helped by giving him fruit snacks the next day. The encouragement you all place on being kind really does work. I know for a fact that there are probably hundreds more of these stories from this week. Think about it. You interact with between 100 and 200 students and staff every day. You have an impact on them and they have an impact on you. Take a moment today and write down something for which you are proud. I know that I've said this before, but what might seem normal for you can be mind-blowing for someone else. Let's accentuate the bright spots!

Tuesday, February 2nd    I leave early for appointments
Saturday, February 6th    EdCampMadison (online event this year)
Friday, February 12th    No School
Monday, February 15th    Professional Development Day (BLT meeting?)
Thursday, February 25th    Conferences
Thursday, March 4th    Conferences

Tweets, quotes, and blogs
"For there is always light if only we're brave enough to see it, if only we're brave enough to be it."-
Amanda Gorman, National Youth Poet Laureate

"The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake.  You can't learn anything from being perfect."-
Adam Osborne, writer, book and software publisher, computer designer

"I remind myself every morning:  Nothing I say this day will teach me anything.  So if I'm going to learn, I must do it by listening."-
Larry King, TV and radio host

Onward, and adult SEL
As we continue to build our social/emotional resilience as educators, we hope to see our work transfer into our professional lives.  At team meetings for the next month, please take the first few minutes of your meeting to work through the following activity as a team.  Together we are stronger than individually apart!!
Look for the Light (pg 189, Onward)
In December, as the first half of the school year comes to a close and our planet cycles into winter, perhaps our school communities could gather to identify and celebrate bright spots.  We could name our own growth and surface the connections between our own learning and the growth of others.  I might say, "I'm proud of myself for...," and a colleague would add, "I also saw you grow when you..."  We'd look for the light--in ourselves and in others--being reminded that when the nights are long and the sun hangs low on the horizon, we just need to pay closer attention.  The light is always there.

Schedule update
Thanks for providing me with input, ideas, suggestions, and concerns as we move forward with determining a schedule for the 2021-2022 school year.  If you weren't able to join us after school yesterday and still want to talk about the student schedule, please let me know and we can set up a time to meet.  I'll be going over the schedule ideas with Ron, Mary, and Katie over the next few days to see what we can do to make some of the tweaks you've suggested.  As I've communicated, although the schedule will be ours, I'll be making the final decisions about the schedule and how we will staff the schedule.  I will be sharing staff schedules, without names attached for some of the schedules, some time in early to mid-February.  This is still a work in progress and I look forward to continuing this journey with you.

It's been a week of snow and cold, and this weekend looks to be more of the same.  Be safe this weekend, enjoy time with your family, read a book, binge watch a new show or movie series, and relax.  Can you believe next week is February?
Take care of the kids.  Take care of each other.  Take care of yourself.- John Gunnell

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