Below is the first paragraph of my nuts and bolts to staff for November 1st. I don't know about you, but I often reflect about the success of my efforts, whether it's for school, with my family, or with my running. I thought I would share this reflection with the staff as a way to model reflection and goal setting for staff. I will be sharing this with the students at my monthly assembly in November, too.
"So the first quarter of the school year is over. It is hard for me to believe that Monday will start the second quarter. I don’t know about you, but whenever I end something as big as a quarter of school, I like to look back on what I did, both good and not so good, and set goals for what I need to do better the next time. So here’s my list of “accomplishments” from the first quarter.
Two positive all school late start assemblies
Lots of time in classrooms speaking with students
Almost daily lunch and recess with the students
Walkthroughs for all teachers at least 4 times
Formal observations underway for staff
Homework Club up and running
Grade level meetings almost weekly
Staff presentations during Summer Academy and PD day
Not so good
Fewer handwritten notes than I wanted to write
Fewer positive phone calls home than I wanted to make
Not enough formal observations completed
Fewer pictures on @mertonint twitter account than I wanted to post
Fewer blog posts than I wanted to write
Not enough time with family and friends
As with you, I’m sure that there is more to add to the list. As I look at the “not so good” list, this becomes my area for goal-setting. I’d like to do what I can to make the “not so good” list become a part of the “good” list. To do this, I’m going to focus on writing more handwritten notes to each of you, making more positive phone calls home, completing the first round of formal observations by Winter Break, posting more pictures of the great things the students and you are doing on @mertonint more often, and spending more time with family and friends. I would appreciate any feedback you have for me."As I begin to blog more often, I am really starting to find the benefits of reflecting and goal setting. Please let me know what you think.